Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Volunteering for Disney: Give a Day, Get a Day...and Sex Toys?

***NOTE: Although the following actually happened, the names of all the people in it have been changed, you know, to protect their identities and whatnot.***

My buddy's birthday is rolling around, so I've been trying to come up with something interesting and cheap for all of us to do in celebration of his special day. Emphasis on the cheap. We're all broke around these parts, as are most folks, so keeping the dead presidents in my pocket is a must.

After a session of soul-searching- a.k.a beer guzzling and Everglading- it was decided that we'd go to Epcot and drink around the world. What says "Happy Birthday" better to a beer lover than stumbling around the happiest place on earth in search of a Mickey to punch?

So there it was, a weekend celebration involving booze and a road trip. The challenge then became to make it cheap. Lord knows that buying anything at Epcot is wallet-murder, especially the ticket to the park. I'm surprised Disney hasn't found a way to charge you for the air you breathe in the park, but I digress...

My fiancee did some research and, Lo and Behold, the interwebs had the answer. As usual.

It turns out that Disney is sponsoring this promotion where you can donate your time to some local volunteer organization in exchange for a ticket to a Disney Park.

Done and Done.

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